Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate for president, put a fine point on how he views his November opponent. “We’re not safe in Donald Trump’s America,” Biden told reporters following Trump’s remarks on climate change Monday. During a visit to California regarding the raging wildfires, Trump answered questions along with Governor Gavin Newsom. During the questions, Trump suggested he didn’t believe in climate science.
“It will start getting cooler,” Trump told reporters. “Just watch. I don’t think science knows, actually.”
This is in line with Trump’s normal attitude to disregarding expert advice and denying science. Following Trump’s remarks, Biden called him a “climate arsonist” during a speech in Delaware.
“If we have four more years of Trump’s climate denial, how many suburbs will be burned in wildfires?” Biden asked during the speech. “How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many suburbs will have been blown away in superstorms?”
Biden’s team has recently begun focusing on a strategy that grills Trump over his anti-science viewpoints. Suburban voters, by and large, are uncomfortable with how little stock Trump puts in experts. Biden, on the other hand, takes expert advice seriously, his campaign contends.
Many pundits feel Biden is well-positioned to level this sort of attack at Trump. The East and Gulf Coasts face a historic hurricane season. The West Coast is caught in the midst of yet another wildfire for the third year in a row. A deadly pandemic has gripped the country for half a year. Meanwhile, the president maintains a dismissive attitude towards science.
This has led to a major frustration for the Trump campaign. Recent events, like Robert Woodward’s new book, have painted Trump in a very negative light. Woodward’s book includes interviews with Trump where the president suggests as early as February that he knows how dangerous COVID-19 is, but that he’s playing it down.
Woodward’s book suggests that Trump downplayed the virus to keep Wall Street happy. Essentially, people don’t purchase stocks when they think a virus is about to crater the economy.
Biden pulled no punches in his scathing remarks about Trump during the Delaware speech. “He fails to protect us from the pandemic, from an economic free fall, from racial unrest, from the ravages of climate change,” the former vice president insisted. “It’s clear that we’re not safe in Donald Trump’s America.”