Heavily Medicated Trump Struggles to Breath During White House Photo Op; and a North Carolina Elementary Teacher Dies from COVID Within Days of Testing Positive.
President Trump escaped from Walter Reed Military Medical Center on Monday, ignoring advisers who wanted him to stay admitted. Perhaps, he should have listened. A video is now circulating that shows President Trump having trouble breathing after he climbed a set of stairs at the White House.
Upon his return, he made statements that show he is seemingly in denial over the virus. He doesn’t seem to understand that the average American doesn’t have access to the same experimental treatment he was treated with.
“Now I’m better and maybe I’m immune?” said Trump. “I don’t know. But don’t let it dominate your lives. Get out there. Be careful.” However, is he really better?
Trump’s statement caused public health experts to be alarmed.
“It is inexplainable that the President of the United States, who is actively shedding virus in millions of particles, would walk into that building with an enormous number of staff, unmasked,” said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor at George Washington University School of Medicine.
“It’s really hard to understand how no one told him not to do that. There doesn’t seem to be anyone in charge of his care other than the President of the United States, other than the patient,” he continued.
While Trump was in the hospital, he was given several experimental therapies in a dedicated suite that was tended to by the military’s best doctors. Unfortunately, the average American does not have access to the same care. More than 220,000 Americans have died from the virus to date.
“He is clearly doubling down on the worst mistake of his presidency,” said CNN political analyst David Gergen. “I think he is going to get a lot of people killed as a result.”
Related: ‘This is insanity,” says Trump Physician After President Ignores Covid-19 Protocols
Another elementary teacher has died from COVID-19, and her students are now under quarantine. Julie Davis taught at Norwood Elementary School in Stanly County, and passed from coronavirus-related complications.
“We are extending our deepest condolences to Mrs. Davis’ family,” said the school district. “We were truly blessed by her professionalism and caring spirit. Family members spoke with CNN, saying that David was one of the “hardest workers and that she was compassionate, caring, thoughtful and someone who loved to the depths of her soul.”
Davis started to experience symptoms on September 25 and started to immediately self-quarantine. She was 49 years old, and died nearly two months after the school district reopened for some in-person classes.
Davis’s brother Stan Andrews told Channel 9 that his sister believed she caught the virus from school, despite officials saying that wasn’t the case.
“She told me when I talked to her that she had definitely gotten it from the school,” adding that a student had tested positive on September 18, and was sent home. However, the student’s siblings remained at the school.
Related: 3rd Grade Teacher Dies from Coronavirus One Week After School Starts