Trump Mocks National Anthem, Scientists Study Kindness and More News

Trump Caught Mocking National Anthem on Video; Scientists Believe Kindness Could Alter Society; and Apple Closes All Stores Amid Coronavirus Outbreak in China.

Donald Trump fidgets and plays around while National Anthem is played while others stand in respect

Trump Caught Mocking National Anthem on Video

The President has repeatedly stated that he believes Americans should “stand proud” when the national anthem is played and has criticized those who don’t.

However, when the national anthem was played during his own Super Bowl party, a video taken by a Russian-American firm that frequents Mar-a-Lago shows Trump doing anything but.

While others stand in respect with their hands placed over their hearts, Trump is shown fidgeting, playing with his chair about to sit down, playfully pointing at other guests and pretending to conduct an orchestra.

Trump’s behavior is in strict contrast to his own words about how he believes you should behave when the anthem is played.

In an interview, Trump said, “You have to stand, proudly, for the national anthem or you shouldn’t be playing. You shouldn’t be there. Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country.”

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Scientists Study Effects of Kindness

A growing group of scientists is starting to believe that if we can evolve into more kind, more collaborative societies, we could tackle the tricky problems of war and climate change.

Evolutionary Biologist David Sloan Wilson argues, “We can change society and can change it for the better.”

To test his concept, he created environments that rewarded kindness in a group of ‘at-risk’ children at a local public school.

“These were students who would most certainly drop out. They had flunked three or more of their classes the previous year,” he said.

56 children out of 117 kids who were determined to be at-risk were chosen for the study, and a program was designed that would give them short-term incentives for learning and cooperation.

The results spoke for themselves: these children saw a dramatic spike in their grades when they started showing more prosocial behavior.

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Apple Closes All Stores in China

Apple has announced that it will close all of its stores, corporate offices and contact centers in mainland China until February 9 due to the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.

“Our thoughts are with the people most immediately affected by the coronavirus and with those working around the clock to study and contain it,” Apple wrote in a statement.

“Out of an abundance of caution and based on the latest advice from leading health experts, we’re closing all our corporate offices, stores and contact centers in mainland China through February 9.

“Apple’s online store in China remains open. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and we look forward to reopening our stores as soon as possible.”

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