This Bracelet Will Shock You for Eating Junk Food – Does it Actually Work?

If you struggle with self-control, addiction, or mindless habits you cannot break, this shocking wrist band can help you defeat these issues head-on.

amazon bracelet shock you eating junk food feat
Pavlok | Amazon

Called The Pavlok, this wristband works on “aversive conditioning” to help you break habits you would rather not have. Every time you have a craving or do something you know you shouldn’t do you administer a shock to yourself through the wrist band.

The creators say that this negative reinforcement helps rewire your brain into thinking you don’t like those things.

Does It Work?

The Pavlok boasts an impressive $200 price tag, so it isn’t something you may want to try out on a whim. Amazon reviews are mixed at best with some calling it a waste of money, and others saying it is the only thing that has helped them stop eating, spending, craving their addictions, or waking up without hitting the snooze.

The science behind aversive conditioning is mixed, and results seem to depend ultimately on the person. Like any other habit tracker or conditioner, if you really want to make it work there is a good chance it will.