Woman Tased, Handcuffed for Refusing to Wear Mask at Eighth-Grade Football Game; and FBI Director Finds No Evidence of National Mail Voting Fraud Effort.
An Ohio woman refused to wear a mask at an outdoor eight-grade football game. As a result, she was tased and handcuffed, according to reports.
The woman, identified as Alecia Kitts, reportedly refused to wear a mask. Even after she was approached by a school security officer. That’s when the officer appeared “to use a taser on the parent, before placing her in handcuffs,” said WTAP-TV.
Another attendee of the game shot a video. You can hear Kitt saying, “Don’t touch me! Get off of me! I will not put my hands behind my back!”
The woman who recorded the video can be heard saying, “This is over a mask. I don’t think he can arrest her for not wearing a mask. This is not a warning,” she laughed.
In the video, Kitts is sitting far away from others in the bleachers. As the officer and another woman wrestle with her, you can hear her saying, “This is bulls—!”
The woman recording the video is heard saying, “They tased someone over a mask,” while another onlooker yells, “C’mon! It’s just a mask!”
MCS Athletic Director Cody Venderlic told The Marietta Times that the governor and the [Ohio] health department have made it very clear that masks are required both indoor and outdoor at sports facilities.
Kitts is reportedly the parent of a child in the MCS school district. However, she traveled to an away game in Logan.
Related: Anti-Maskers Forced to Dig Graves for Coronavirus Victims
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray spoke with lawmakers. On Thursday, he said the FBI has seen no evidence of a “coordinated national voter fraud effort.” His statement undercuts President Trump’s claims that mail-in ballots are an election threat.
Ironically, the Trump campaign has ads currently in circulation asking people to request an absentee ballot.
Wray said that any fraud effort would have to be well coordinated and widespread in order to change the election outcome. He called that kind of fraud a “major challenge for an adversary.”
Trump recently attacked Wray for asserting that Russia is conducting election interference operations, and that violent extremism is also a significant threat.
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin echoed Wray’s assertation. He spoke of recent protests, saying they’ve altogether been largely peaceful. Indeed, he said white supremacists pose a more lethal threat.
“As serious as all these threats I just mentioned are, I have a growing fear that what is happening in the streets of America actually represents a greater threat for a long-term democracy.”
Related: President Trump and Melania Trump Request Mail-in Ballots
In other news, osteoporosis is defined as losing too much bone. However, what happens when you have too much bone? Basically, you don’t want to be this kid.