
New Treatment Cures Cancer with Only One Injection

New Treatment Cures Cancer with Only One Injection

A breakthrough new treatment for blood cancer uses only one simple injection, and so far, the recovery rate is astonishing. In what promises to be a cure for cancer, Australian doctor Ken Micklethwaite and his team have developed a treatment for cancer that involves injecting modified immune cells into the …

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Doris Day, Famed Singer and Actress, Dies at Age 97

Doris Day, Famed Singer and Actress, Dies at Age 97

Famed singer and actress Doris Day passed away Monday at age 97 at her home in California. One of Hollywood’s most legendary stars, Day starred in 39 feature films between 1948 and 1968 including Pillow Talk, Calamity Jane, and The Tunnel of Love. Her roles were primarily in romantic comedies …

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David Beckham Banned from Driving for Six Months

David Beckham Banned from Driving for Six Months

Although he can’t receive red cards anymore, David Beckham still isn’t immune to receiving suspensions. On Thursday, the retired soccer star received a six-month ban from driving after he pleaded guilty to using his phone while driving. The 44-year old also had to pay nearly $1200 in fines and court …

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New Plastics Breakthrough Could End Pollution Concerns

New Plastics Breakthrough Could End Pollution Concerns

A brand-new type of plastic that is endlessly recyclable has just been revealed by scientists in what could potentially be a breakthrough for ending a major pollution and landfill problem. The majority of plastics today were not designed to be recyclable but were formulated to meet specific needs, whether it …

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