Trump Wants Wall So Badly He Has One Built Around the White House

Donald Trump is finally getting to build a wall, although it’s not the one he was hoping for.

There has been a spike in the number of people trying to scale the White House fence, so the White House is getting an upgrade to the current 6-foot fence that surrounds it. The new replacement will have an 18-inch stone base, topped with a 10-foot 7-inch metal fence that has an “anti-climb” feature on top.

Trump Gets Wall Built around White House
Dailymail via AFP

Temporary Wall Goes Up During Construction of New Fence

In the meantime, a temporary wall is around the White House as the new fence is being built.

The new fence costs about $64 million and will be 3,500 feet to surround the 18 acres that the White House sits on. The design was approved by the National Capital Planning Commission and the Commission of Fine Arts back in 2017.

Parts of the street are blocked off and construction has already started behind the temporary wall. Construction is expected to be finished in 2021.