Democratic Candidate Starts YODELING During Debate – Watch The Video!

Have you ever felt so passionate about something that you started yodeling? Yeah, neither have we.

But one Democratic candidate felt so strongly about her position last night during the debate that her voice reached a new octave… and it sounded an awful lot like a yodel.

Dailymail via AP democratic candidate yodels during debate feat
Dailymail via AP

Who is The Yodeler?

Marianne Williamson is a Democratic candidate searching for nomination for the 2020 presidential elections. She is a California resident who previously ran, and lost, as an independent in 2014 to represent California’s 22nd congressional district.

Williamson has two years of a college education, studying theater and philosophy, and has written 13 books. She also co-founded the nonprofit Peace Alliance.

The Yodel in Question

Williamson was speaking about healthcare reform when yodeled, “I’m normally way over there with Bernie and Elizabeth on this one”, gesturing offscreen to the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and the Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Both Warren and Sanders would essentially replace Obamacare were they elected in 2020, and Williamson was defending her position when she got a little too excited.

Williamson is currently running on a platform that seems to be filled with spirituality, peace, and good thoughts. She said in a previous debate that she wanted to defeat Donald Trump “with love”, and that he had a “dark psychic force” on the country.

We’re not entirely sure what that means, either – and she didn’t elaborate.