Portland is in the midst of a growing clash between peaceful protesters and federal agencies. Portland officials have pleaded with the federal government to pull the forces. These forces include the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Border Patrol from the city.
The Trump Administration has responded by doubling down. Now, Portland’s protesters are suing the Trump Administration over federal forces’ use of tear gas, illegal arrests, and excessive force.
Many protesters have pointed out a certain irony. The federal forces are meant to help ease tensions, not worsen them. They are calling out the feds for abusing their power and using too much force.
The government has responded by doubling down on excessive use of force. This has played into President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign. He is relying on “law and order” rhetoric to appeal to his base.
A nonprofit group called Protect Democracy filed the lawsuit in DC on behalf of the protesters. The protest groups Don’t Shoot Portland and Wall of Moms are the plaintiffs in the suit.
The suit alleges that federal forces used unconstitutional methods in combating peaceful protests. The suit alleges that tactics like using tear gas and rubber bullets are examples of excessive force.
The lawsuit says that the federal forces are out of line. Chad Wolf, an acting DHS secretary, is directing the forces. Since officials have yet to legally confirm him to the position, the suit alleges that the DHS is acting illegally.
The Trump Administration still defends the federal forces in Portland. According to the authorities, some Portland rioters have vandalized federal buildings. Moreover, they allege that protesters are throwing water bottles and paint at federal forces. Some federal agents claim protestors pointed laser pointers in their eyes.
The actions of the federal forces in Portland have alarmed both Democratic lawmakers and activists. Some have accused Trump of using the forces as a secret police force. They think this clash is the result of Trump’s authoritarian tendencies.
Federal agents operating above the law, intimidating protesters and depriving people of first amendment rights is an alarming development.
What’s more, Portland’s own authorities don’t want the federal forces there. Furthermore, Mayor Tim Wheeler is demanding the feds leave.
The protesters, meanwhile, have accused the federal forces of escalating violence. Their use of tear gas, rubber bullets and unconstitutional arrests have angered Portland’s natives. By way of response, the protests’ attendance has swelled greatly. Here’s hoping they’re wearing the best deodorant and face masks while they protest.