Following the release of Michael Cohen’s new book, his daughter spoke with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day “about an episode that happened between herself, her father, and Trump in 2012.
Samantha Cohen, the daughter of President Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, revealed she was taken aback by Trump’s behavior during a 2012 incident. She said that Trump leered at her when she was just 15-years-old, according to her father.
Michael detailed the encounter in his newly released book, where he discussed a conversation between himself and Trump as they chatted at a Trump property in Bedminster, New Jersey.
Donald Trump noticed Samantha approaching them. And, unaware that she was Michael’s daughter, allegedly said, “Look at that piece of a–. I would love some of that.”
Michael informed Trump of who the girl was, and Trump replied, “That’s your daughter? When did she get so hot?” When Samantha got closer, Trump asked her for a kiss on the cheek and remarked, “When did you get such a beautiful figure?” He then warned her that he’d be dating one of her friends in a few years.
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When Samantha was questioned about the occurrence, she said what stood out to her the most that day was the “insulting” comments Trump made toward her father.
“But what stood out to me in that moment was he said to my dad, ‘Well, there is no way that she got her looks from you. Thank God you married a beautiful woman.”
Samantha said that the episode left a lasting impression. It made her think that “maybe Trump doesn’t treat my father so well.”
When Samantha was asked if she ever felt like Trump was hitting on her, she said no. But said she believed Trump was “interested in younger women.”
“I didn’t get the impression that he was hitting on me directly. But I had the impression that he was interested in younger women, and that, you know, women would age out for him, and that when one woman became too old, he’d find a new younger one,” said Samantha.
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