Longtime White House counselor Kellyanne Conway announced she’s leaving her post at the end of the month. Not only that, but her husband, George Conway, is withdrawing from The Lincoln Project.
On Sunday evening, Kellyanne Conway announced that she’ll be leaving her role as White House counselor. Kellyanne gained her position in 2016. This was after she became the first female campaign manager to help win a presidential race.
On the same night she made her announcement, Conway’s husband said he’d be leaving The Lincoln Project. The group focuses on anti-Trump Republicans.
The couple said they need to focus on their family instead. “I will be transitioning from the White House at the end of this month. George is also making changes,” said Conway.
“We disagree about plenty, but we are united on what matters most: the kids. Our four children are teens and tweens starting a new academic year in middle school and high school, remotely from home for at least a few months,” she added. “As millions of parents nationwide know, kids doing school from home requires a level of attention and vigilance that is as unusual as these times.”
A few minutes earlier, George Conway tweeted his withdrawal from The Lincoln Project. He said he wishes to “devote more time to family matters.”
It isn’t clear whether Kellyanne Conway will speak at this week’s Republican National Convention as scheduled. While parents were more concerned about things like toilet paper shortages just a couple of months ago, they’re now facing the reality of becoming makeshift teachers.
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Recently, Conway’s high school-aged daughter has been making waves on social media about her family’s political views. Not only that, but the political tension between Kellyanne and her husband had also spilled into public view over the past few years.
Even Donald Trump rebuked Kellyanne’s husband on Twitter, calling him “Mr. Kellyanne Conway.”
It was earlier on Sunday when George Conway tweeted, “I *may* be taking a Twitter hiatus soon,” and then listed some of his most critical co-eds about the President.
As for Kellyanne, she said in her statement that “the incredible men, women and children we’ve met along the way have reaffirmed my later-in-life experience that public service can be meaningful and consequential.
“For all of its political differences and cultural cleavages, this is a beautiful country filled with amazing people. The promise of America belongs to us all,” she said.
She also stressed that the decision to leave is completely her choice.
“In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama,” she said.
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