Because the bride dared to ask her guests to do this, it caused a lot of backlash on what should have otherwise been a beautiful day.
A reddit user by the name of “sunrisewedding” took to the “Am I the A-Hole” subreddit to ask if she was in the wrong for her unique plan for a wedding.
In her post, she specified that she and her fiancé spend every anniversary watching the sun rise over the beach. They wanted to incorporate this into their wedding. That sounds innocent enough, right?
It turns out, the bride wanted to hold the ceremony at 5:30 in the morning so it could take place during the sunrise. “Every year on our anniversary, my fiance and I wake up early to go to the beach and watch the sunrise together,” the Reddit user wrote.
“It’s a very special tradition, as we have both overcome a number of personal challenges during our time together, and the symbolism of watching a new day begin is deeply meaningful for us.”
Following the early-morning ceremony, the bride and groom planned to move the party to a beachfront restaurant that had agreed to open early. There, the reception would include mimosas and Bloody Marys, befitting of the early-morning ceremony.
However, their families weren’t quite as amenable to the plans.
After divulging that the start time for the ceremony would be at 5:30 in the morning, the Reddit user shared that the families were not on board. “We’ve been getting a LOT of backlash from our families about this, who say this is way too early and we need to move the ceremony to a more ‘normal’ time of day,” she wrote in her post.
“But my fiance and I don’t feel like we’re asking for anything that unreasonable.” Many commenters on the post admitted that the idea was beautiful, but it might be asking too much of their guests to have them all present for such an unusually early ceremony.
Many suggested having a private ceremony with just the officiant and a few close friends at sunrise, then moving the reception to a later time in the day. That way, the families have more time to get ready and make their way to the proper reception to celebrate with the couple.