Psychologists say that studies have suggested that kids engaged in excessive screen time are becoming more moody, depressed and showing decreased motivation. Children and teens are spending too much time looking at screens, psychologists say, and this is leading to a host of behaviors they say are becoming disturbingly commonplace. …
Read MoreOne day in the future, treating some ailments and diseases can be as easy as having breakfast. Scientists have genetically modified chickens to lay eggs containing anti-cancer and arthritis drugs, and say the method is up to 100 times less expensive to produce than manufacturing medications in factories. Egg-based medications …
Read MoreFacebook has announced that it plans to combine WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger messaging services in order to link messages between the different services. This will allow users to communicate with anyone who is using one of the three services. According to a report, this integration is a personal project of Facebook’s …
Read MoreA 10-year-old boy won his school his school science fair with a project that demonstrates that Tom Brady cheated during the 2015 NFL playoffs. This was the AFC championship game that saw the Patriots defeat the Colts amid controversy over air pressure in the footballs the quarterback used. Kid figures …
Read MoreScientists have found evidence that the key bacteria that causes gum disease, Porphyromonas gingivalis, may also be a key factor in spurring Alzheimer’s disease. In the wake of this new discovery, a new drug is being developed that could potentially stop or reverse Alzheimer’s, as well as, lead to a …
Read MoreAn attorney in New Orleans, Frank D’Amico Jr. has filed a lawsuit with the Civil District Court of Orleans Parish to request the courts to take action against the NFL. They could use a rule allowing the Commissioner to investigate or take corrective measures to the NFC championship game between …
Read MoreFor the first time in history, China is expected to overtake the United States to become the world’s largest retail market this year. As China’s middle class grows in the country makes a shift to a consumer-driven economy, the Asian nation is poised to overtake the US as the largest …
Read MoreFour humanitarian aid volunteers who had left food and water for migrants at a protected wilderness area along the Arizona-Mexico border have been found guilty. Some of the charges against them resulted in misdemeanors and a potential six months in federal prison. Judge finds humanitarian volunteers guilty U.S. Magistrate Judge …
Read MoreIt’s hard to imagine this as a life-saving procedure, but it’s true… doctors saved a man’s life by pumping 15 cans of beer into his body. Man was dying from dangerous type of alcohol poisoning It happened on Christmas Day in the central Vietnamese province of Quang Tri. A 48-year-old …
Read MoreThe 26 richest people in the world own as much as asset-wise as 3.8 billion other people in the world combined, approximately half of that possessed by all the poorest people on the planet. Rich continue to get richer According to a new study by development charity Oxfam, 2018 has …
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