According to several reports, Britney Spears checked into a mental health facility last week due to severe emotional distress. The 37-year-old pop star had already put her Las Vegas residency on hold amid concerns for her father’s failing health. Now, it appears she has become even more distraught over his …
Read MoreWe’ve all heard about black holes in space, but we’ve never actually seen one. Well, it seems we may finally be on the verge of seeing something truly incredible – “groundbreaking” even. Next week, the European Southern Observatory is likely set to release an image of the supermassive black hole …
Read MoreUnless you spent yesterday living under a rock, there’s a good chance you stumbled across a prank or two. On April 1, just about everyone seems to think they’ve got some clever joke. That, of course, also includes high profile celebrities and even many corporations. ICYMI (in case you missed …
Read MoreThere are a lot of minor holidays in America, days we don’t get the day off, but days where we celebrate important things such as Arbor Day,” “National Teachers Day,” or “National Doctors Day.” But, forgotten like the soldiers it represents, there is likely one day most of us missed: National …
Read MoreConsuming one bottle of wine each week equals the cancer risk of smoking ten cigarettes per week, according to new research, and consuming three bottles per week for women more than doubles the cancer risk. In the first study of its kind, scientists compared the known dangers of smoking to …
Read MoreImages from NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover appear to show mushrooms and fungi growing on the Martian surface, according to the claim of a group of scientists, while NASA has yet to confirm or refute the images that are shown below. A study was published this week in the Journal of …
Read MorePaleontologists digging next to the Danshui River in China have excavated about 30,000 fossils dating back to the Cambrian period half a billion years ago – and around 53 percent of these are completely new to science. Much of the world’s most well-preserved fossil records were found in shale beds, …
Read MoreTwo British researchers say they have potentially identified notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper using forensic DNA evidence. In the Whitechapel district of London from August to November 1888, Jack the Ripper killed at least five women. A total of eleven brutal killings occurred in Whitechapel, continuing until 1891, although …
Read MoreThe second largest meteor blast of its kind to occur in 30 years, with 10 times the energy released by the Hiroshima atomic bomb, has been detected by NASA scientists. According to NASA, a huge fireball exploded in Earth’s atmosphere over the Bering Sea on December 18, 2018, at around …
Read MoreMany scientists believe that Earth is undergoing a sixth mass extinction in the history of the planet, as they point to the 8 following signs as proof. 1. Insects dying off at record rates. According to scientists, roughly 40% of the insect species throughout the world are in decline and …
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