
What to Stock Up on for the Coronavirus Pandemic

What to Stock Up on for the Coronavirus Pandemic

On one hand, you might feel a little ‘silly’ thinking about stocking up on supplies for the coronavirus. It seems to be the ‘cool’ thing online to throw caution to the wind and only have a few rolls of toilet paper in the house. On the other hand, however… it’s …

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Federal Law Raises Smoking Age: Who Enforces New Law?

Federal Law Raises Smoking Age: Who Enforces New Law?

Lawyers could make an interesting case in a new loophole some have pointed out in the federal law that raised the age to buy cigarettes to 21. This loophole has nothing to do with timing: the federal government is pretty clear that it is already illegal to sell tobacco products …

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What Is the “Deep State”? Conspiracy Theories Explained

What Is the “Deep State”? Conspiracy Theories Explained

If you’ve spent any time looking into modern-day conspiracy theories, you might have noticed the prevailing notion that there is a “Deep State” operating behind the back of the president in the United States. Does this claim have any merit or is it completely unfounded? To help us untangle this …

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This Is How Tariffs Affect the Economy

This Is How Tariffs Affect the Economy

You can’t turn on the news these days without hearing about tariffs. But what exactly are tariffs? And how do Trump’s tariffs on China impact our economy? Licensed CPA Riley Adams explains that a tariff represents a levy against imports and serves as a measure for raising the price of …

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How Will Social Media Shape the 2020 Presidential Elections?

How Will Social Media Shape the 2020 Presidential Elections?

Today, we ask the all-important question: Will social media be a big influence on the 2020 elections? To answer our question, we’ve got Douglas Hochberg, the Chief Digital Officer at the Republican National Committee. In that role, he managed over $25 million in advertising, social media accounts with millions of …

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