Teens Arrested for Coughing in the Face of Elders; Coronavirus Found to Linger for 17 Days After Princess Cruise Passengers Left; Dems Propose $1500 Per American; and USA Becomes Third-Highest Infected Nation in the World.
Three teens approached an elderly couple in Paynes Park, Hitchin, and proceeded to cough right in their faces. A passer-by who witnessed what happened intervened. They said that there was “an altercation” that left a 70-year-old woman with a black eye.
The three teen males were aged 16, 18 and 19. Authorities questioned them on suspicion of criminal damage and actual bodily harm after the incident on Friday. They were released under investigation following the questioning.
The elderly woman went to a local hospital for a check-up. They later discharged her. They also discharged the man who helped intervene and suffered bruising. The teens also damaged the woman’s car as a result of the incident.
Hertfordshire Police are asking for help from anyone who might have information about the incident.
Related: Silent Symptoms of Coronavirus Discovered, 39-Year-Old Woman Dies
New data posted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that COVID-19 survived for up to 17 days aboard the Diamond Princess ship after the passengers disembarked.
The researchers wrote that the virus “was identified on a variety of surfaces in cabins of both symptomatic and asymptomatic infected passengers up to 17 days after cabins were vacated on the Diamond Princess, but before disinfection procedures had been conducted.”
Researchers from the CDC, National Institutes of Health, Princeton University and UCLA previously found COVID-19 to last up to three days on stainless steel. Those studies also showed that the amount of the virus on a surface would decrease over time.
“COVID-19 on cruise ships poses a risk for rapid spread of disease, causing outbreaks in a vulnerable population, and aggressive efforts are required to contain spread,” warned the CDC.
Related: Princess Cruise Passengers Quarantined at United States Military Bases
After blocking previous coronavirus stimulus proposals because they felt like it wouldn’t be enough to help those most affected by coronavirus, House Democrats released their own proposal that offers far more generous direct payments to Americans.
The new coronavirus proposal by House Dems would provide $1,500 for each adult. It would also give $1,500 for each child in a household, up to three children. The most money a family could receive is $7,500.
Individuals making more than $75,000 annually, or married couples making more than $150,000, would be required to repay some or all of the payment when they file their taxes. They could repay the amount over a course of three years.
The proposal by Senate Republicans offered $1,200 for individuals, $2,400 for married couples and $500 per child. Taxpayers who have little to no income tax liability, but at least $2,500 in qualifying income, would see their checks reduced to only $600.
Related: Congress Scrambles to Approve Coronavirus Stimulus Bill
The number of coronavirus cases in the USA soared past 35,000 on Monday. This makes the United States the third-most infected nation in the world, falling behind Italy and China. The US also reached the sixth-highest death toll in the world, with 582 deaths.
Considering the shortage of tests available in the United States currently, they expect the number is even higher. US health officials say that the cases will rise as testing becomes more widely available.
Americans know about the silent symptoms of coronavirus, and how existing health issues, such as asthma, a stroke triggered by afib, or other lung-related conditions can all put one at a higher risk of complications if exposed to the virus.
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