Science: Moms NEED Massages to Avoid Going into Rages


Science proves keeping moms happy could be as simple as providing them with regular massages, and we’ll explain how.  Ladies, you’re going to want to share this one.

moms need massages

Apparently, massages help make mothers less prone to getting upset over the crazy things our children (and husbands) tend to do.

Legos in the toilet? The solution is definitely a foot rub. Spilled cereal all over the kitchen floor? Yes, we’ll take a back massage, please.

Be Good to Yourself

While motherhood has many bright sides, with those ups also come downs – and we must learn to treat ourselves right. The stress can be compounding, and the physical activity can wear on us as well.

That’s why it’s important to take time and care with our own minds and bodies. We become better nurturers when we look out for ourselves as well. As much as it helps us, it also has a positive effect on our family life and those around us.

Massages Make Moms Happy

Just about everyone considers massages to be relaxing. That’s probably even the first word that comes to mind when someone mentions a massage – that sounds relaxing.

And it is, but there’s actually more to massage than just bringing you a moment of relaxation. It also helps your body produce feel-good hormones, increasing dopamine and serotonin levels.

Plus, your body releases endorphins, too. This can help relieve pain and put you in a much better mood.

A massage can essentially free you from that perpetual fight-or-flight response you feel when you become overwhelmed with stress.

Happiness for Everybody

You know the old saying, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Well, it works both ways.

If you’re overloaded, stressed, and frustrated, your kids likely will begin internalizing their frustrations and stressors as well.

Luckily, that can be rectified in several ways – though one of the best options is an hour-long massage.

Don’t think of it as being frivolous or unnecessarily time consuming. Instead, consider it upkeep and preservation – necessary maintenance for optimal mothering abilities.

Affordable Options

If you can afford a massage at your local salon, you’d better get on that phone and start scheduling an appointment. However, if it’s a bit much for your budget, we understand.

In that case, you might want to try calling a local massage therapy school. Perhaps you can get a massage from a trainee.

Alternatively, maybe a friend or significant other could take some classes and help you out. Hint hint.

Either way, it’s been scientifically proven that mom’s need massages, so we hope you’ll get one soon.