If modern civilization has one thing in common with ancient cultures that it is obsessed over – it’s horoscopes! The business world is fully cognizant of this fact and horoscopes are appearing in some of the most unexpected places as they attempt to cash in on the craze.
Horoscopes are surging in popularity lately. Horoscopes are showing up in places we would never expect to see them. Now there are horoscopes involved with grocery shopping, exercise, music playlists and even hospitals!
You can find numerous astrology-based tips that will tell you the best work out for you according to your zodiac sign.
Similarly, there are horoscopes that aim to advise you on the best place to shop for groceries, and even the best food to eat based on your zodiac sign.
Spotify is a music streaming service, right? You might be wondering what horoscopes have to do with streaming music? We thought the same thing.
But businesses are out to make a buck and expand their bottom line any way they can, so with that thought in mind, it’s hardly surprising that Spotify would look to capitalize on the horoscope craze.
Spotify has created something they are calling “cosmic playlists” that are specially designed for each sign of the zodiac by way of astrologer Chani Nicholas.
Spotify says that the playlists have been curated with songs meant to reflect the current astrological theme that each sign is likely to be dealing with.
Given the fact that the celestial bodies are ever in motion, Spotify will update these playlists monthly with new songs and new insights.
In astrology, one of the most important birth charts is your “natal birth chart,” meaning an astrological forecast that considers the exact date and time of your birth. A natal birth chart is one you will refer back to you throughout your life.
With that consideration in mind, newborns at all Rajasthan hospitals in India will be given a free astrology reading at birth. And this is no small undertaking, Rajasthan operates 16,728 government hospitals and 54 registered private hospitals.
The proposal for the astrology readings to newborns and hospitals reads: “The scheme will help in promotion of Sanskrit and vedic knowledge and provide employment to at least 3,000 astrologers.”
Astrology can be a bit confusing to some since it sounds similar to its cousin of sorts – astronomy. Astronomy is the science that studies celestial objects and phenomena and involves mathematics, physics and chemistry.
Astrology does include some actual science in terms of its components that involve astronomy, but other parts of astrology, scientists will be quick to tell you, are less than scientific.
Most scientists say that astrology is scientifically false. Nonetheless, scientists do admit that “horoscopes make people feel better.”