During the Democratic National Convention, one speaker was considered a huge chance for Democratic Nominee Joe Biden to reach out across the aisle. However, while the Biden campaign is reaching out to moderates and Republicans, they seem to have missed the mark with progressives.
Case in point? Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive icon and popular politician, got less speaking time than John Kasich.
John Kasich served as Governor of Ohio for several years as a Republican, and during his tenure he fought any efforts to raise the minimum wage. He has also been accused of authorizing legislation that made it harder for women in Ohio to seek abortions.
Needless to say, his inclusion in the premier Democratic event of 2020 ruffled a few progressive feathers. So, how did progressives take it when AOC got less speaking time than Kasich?
“AOC is the personification of the future of the party, but the traditional Dems have always struggled to keep up, motivate, and inspire,” stated the chief of civic engagement at The Center for Popular Democracy, Natalia Salgado. “If they understood what they need to do to turn out our communities, they would have had AOC front and center.”
Since her surprise upset in 2018, AOC has been the face of the progressive flank of the party. Her supporters love that she is a young, charismatic Latina woman from New York. Fans say she delivers her words with passion but without overwhelming the listener, and that she’s professional even under fire. Most of all, however, AOC represents the progressive flank of the party because she’s backing popular ideas.
Many accuse the DNC of being out of step with the will of younger voters. These folks believe the DNC treats progressive candidates as threats instead of assets. They’re unhappy seeing this moderate candidate give more time to a Republican than a member of their own party. Like picking the worst lotions for dry skin, progressives often accuse centrist Democrats of picking the worst political approaches.
While AOC and other progressives like Bernie Sanders try to rally the left behind Biden, Biden allows Republicans stage time. This is a glaring visual metaphor for the issues Democrats have had taking an authoritative lead. Biden’s campaign simply hopes it’s enough to move the needle come Election Day.