Murder Hornets Have Landed – How North America is Unprepared

Murder hornets have recently found their way to America, and now people are wondering if they are safe?

The deadly hornets are from Asia and have been known to either kill to protect or kill when they feel threatened.

What to do now?

The hornets took America by storm and although many sightings have been documented, only two confirmed hornets are in Washington state. The hornets usually travel in packs, however in the event there are just two, then they quickly mate to form a bigger hive.

The hornets usually eat off of honeybees and can quickly get rid of an entire honeybees’ nest within the hour.

To protect yourself from an attack, it is highly recommended to remain calm and not run. If you run, then the hornets will feel like they are being attacked and begin to sting you.

The venom in the murderous hornet is lethal enough to kill a person, if stung too many times.