First dates are so stressful, right? Will they like you? Will you like them? Does your outfit look okay? Are they going to ax-murder you? Okay, hopefully that last one is a non-issue, but dating is still tough. If your date asks you any of these questions, consider them to be major red flags! And maybe make sure that you don’t ask any of these yourself. It takes two to make a good date. Now have fun and be safe out there!
This is a weird way to start a conversation. Generally, guys tend to call any woman who rejects them “crazy.” This is usually an intro to a list of all the so-called crazies he’s met recently. What woman wouldn’t enjoy hearing about that?
This is a not-so-subtle way to fish for information about finances. While you eventually want a partner who can pull their own monetary weight, asking about the cost of your handbag or their watch on a first date? That’s just tacky.
If your date asks if you’ve ever gone out with a person who is a particular race, religion, or any other category, be wary. This conversational gambit is probably not going to lead to anything good.
What they’re really asking is “are you sleeping with anyone right now?” Frankly, it’s none of their business on a first date.
Um, excuse me? Let’s put on the breaks, okay? If someone you just met asks you where you think the relationship is going, there’s only one sane response. Nowhere.
You’re just there for coffee and conversation at this stage. Why are they bringing up kids? It’s a big question to ask on a first date. It also shows that they’re on a timeline to start a family.
I’m cringing just thinking about this one. Never, ever ask anyone this question, regardless of whether it’s a date or a stranger on the street. Demanding to know someone’s racial or ethnic background is simply not cool.
What is this, a job interview? You don’t need to tell this relative stranger about your last breakup. It’s intrusive and inappropriate to ask—or to volunteer this information. Don’t talk about exes at all on the first date.
Wow. Just…wow. Anyone who asks a question like this is gonna get a drink thrown in their face. Policing what you eat or drink is a terrible way to start a date.
Unless they’re asking about baseball, this question is way too personal. Not only that, but it’s kind of juvenile as if they might have read it in a book of pickup lines. Regardless, it’s not going to get them any closer to finding out the answer in real life.