CNN Legal Analyst Accuses Radio Host of White Privilege then Learns He’s Black

It was an embarrassing moment for CNN legal analyst Areva Martin.

She recently accused male radio host David Webb of “white privilege” on the subject of experience versus race when it comes to career advances, only to have him tell her that he was actually black.


The incident occurred during a segment in which Sirius XM radio and Fox Nation host David Webb was having a discussion with CNN legal analyst Areva Martin, who also is the host of CBS’ “Face the Truth.”

In the discussion, Martin managed to insult both white and black males.

Experience vs. race

The topic was focused on whether the experience was more important than race when a prospective employer was considering whether or not someone was qualified for a particular job.

Webb made the point that he believed the experience mattered more.

“I’ve chosen to cross different parts of the media world, done the work so that I’m qualified to be in each one,” Webb stated. “I never considered my color the issue, I considered my qualifications the issue.”

“That’s a whole, another long conversation about white privilege,” Martin replied. “The things that you have the privilege of doing, that people of color don’t have the privilege of.”

Webb was dumbfounded by her response.

Martin accuses Webb of male and white privilege

“How do I have the privilege of white privilege?” Webb asked.

“David, by virtue of being a white male you have white privilege,” Martin answered.

“… I hate to break it to you… I’m black”

After Martin had accused Webb of having both male and white privilege, he explained to her that he was actually a black man.

“Areva, I hate to break it to you, but you should’ve been better prepped. I’m black,” Webb informed her.

“I stand corrected,” Martin said.

At that point, Webb reprimanded Martin for making an “assumption.”

Martin then blamed her team for providing her with inaccurate information.

“That’s actually insulting,” Webb added.

“It is and I apologize,” Martin responded, again asserting, “I was given wrong information.”

The danger of assuming

There is an old joke about the definition of the word “assume” and making assumptions.

Assume makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me.”