If you go to get a loan, whether it’s for a car, a house, or just for personal use, you need good credit. Credit is a quick indicator of your financial trustworthiness. Pretty much every aspect of your financial life gets easier when you’ve got good credit. But if you …
Read MoreWe all know what it feels like to get your paycheck after weeks of waiting, turn around to spend it on the things you’ve been dying to buy, and then run out of money days later. This paycheck-to-paycheck feeling is awful, and can make you feel like there’s nothing you …
Read MoreBudgeting doesn’t need to be hard! Truly, anyone can learn how to budget and live a more frugal lifestyle. You don’t need to be a pro at saving money and frugal buying to get started, either. Don’t let tales of extreme couponing or crazy stock market investments scare you off. …
Read More42 percent of the cancer cases in the United States may be preventable, according to a new study and researchers from the American Cancer Society. While some cancers, such as those that are hereditary, are beyond one’s control, researchers who conducted a new study found that nearly half of American …
Read MoreBetween 2015 and 2035, the number of older people who are diagnosed with four more diseases will double, and a third of these people will be diagnosed with dementia, depression, or cognitive impairment, a new study says. The new study conducted by researchers at Newcastle University’s Institute for Ageing was …
Read MoreVisionary CEO of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, believes his company is “vastly ahead of everyone” in the development of autonomous vehicles and predicts that his company will put a “full self-driving” car on the road no later than next year. A quantum leap in vehicles? The race to develop an …
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